
Dairy-free Egg-free Real Food Waffles

Mmmm.....waffles. These aren't going to taste like the eggo-waffles in the freezer section (they'll probably be much better!). And the fact is I feel good about feeding them to my family and they didn't take long at all to whip up! And if you're looking to be efficient you'll make a double triple quadruple batch and put the leftovers in the freezer. And for the record I'm not vegan anymore, we're sadly avoiding the nourishing benefits of egg and dairy because of my son's allergies. So enjoy some allergy-friendly waffles (depending on your allergies of course) that are a little more dense and a lot more filling!

Makes 4 Large Round Waffles

2 cups wheat, freshly-ground*
1 Tbsp sucanat (or preferred sweetener)
1 Tbsp baking powder, aluminum-free
1/4 tsp unrefined salt
2 cups "milk"*
1 "egg" (1 Tbsp freshly-ground flaxseed + 3 Tbsp water)
2 Tbsp coconut oil*, melted

Let's keep it simple here!

Mix dry ingredients then add wet ingredients and don't forget the flaxseed is a wet ingredient once you prepare it as an "egg." Easy-peasy.

For those that need an in-depth break down, here ya go!

  • Grind the flaxseed, set aside
  • Grind the wheat, add to large mixing bowl
  • If solid, liquefy coconut oil in saucepan over low heat, remove from heat when melted
  • Add sucanat, baking powder, and salt to mixing bowl, whisk together with forks
  • Slowly add "milk" and stir (if the batter seems too thick add a few tablespoons of "milk" once all the ingredients are added)
  • Prepare "egg" in separate bowl, by mixing 3Tbsp water to the flaxseed, add to recipe
  • Add coconut oil


Milk: Just use your milk substitute of choice. Goat's milk, almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk. Know your product, read the ingredients, and make sure you're using a food you feel good about that isn't highly processed and full of added sugar. I do not recommend soy because of the estrogen, it's highly processed, and from what I understand traditionally consumed as a fermented food.

Oil: Please never-ever use vegetable oil! If you don't like the mild coconut flavor and don't have a dairy allergy, go ahead and melt down some butter instead. Good butter is good for you!  

Wheat: In a perfect world my wheat would have been sprouted first, but let's be honest people, I haven't started planning that far ahead yet! So you'll have to decide where you stand on using freshly-ground and not properly prepared wheat products. You can buy sprouted wheat flour, but I'm not sure about that either because whole-wheat goes rancid within hours of being ground. So even though the whole wheat has phytic acid that our tummies can't break down all on it's own, I felt better using whole wheat than all-purpose white flour. Maybe my reasoning if flawed and I just need to get over the learning curve and start properly preparing my grains!

Time to eat!

Already has a mouth full! And is sporting some grape skin on his finger.

And you may or may not want to sit your waffle over a hot burner on the stove. If I were you I wouldn't, but I'll let you decide! I totally salvaged it by cutting off the burnt side. The Little Guy didn't mind one bite one bit! 

And just in case you need a reminder why you're spending time cooking your family real food! 

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